Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

[Human Capital] Setan Dinobatkan di Vatican?


Malachi Martin - Setan Dinobatkan di Vatican?

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Marie Henrie


orang dalam Vatican Malachi Martin menegaskan bahwa " Upacara Penobatan
Setan" berlangsung di Vatican pada tahun 1963.

Hasil dari
ritual ini berarti uskup Vatikan berhasil mewujudkan apa yang disebutnya
sebagai 'Superforce."

Martin untuk pertama kali membuat referensi mengenai sebuah ritus jahat yang
diselenggarakan di Roma pada tahun 1990-an dalam karya non-fiksi terlaris
tentang Geopolitik dan Vatikan berjudul, The Keys of This Blood, pada halaman
632 di mana ia menulis:

paling menakutkan untuk (Paus) John Paul [II], karena ia telah menemukan
sesuatu yang tidak mungkin dapat dihapuskan keberadaannya yaitu berupa kekuatan
jahat di Vatican dalam diri beberapa orang uskup chancelleries. Itulah yang dipahami
oleh para gerejawan dengan apa yang disebut' sebagai superforce."
Desas-desus selalu sulit untuk diuji, juga terikat dengan awal penetapannya
pada masa kekuasaan Paus Paul VI di tahun 1963. Memang Paul menyinggung sangat
serius mengenai "asap setan, yang telah memasuki Tempat Kudus'... yang
menunjuknya secara tidak langsung kepada sebuah upacara penobatan yang
dilakukan oleh pemuja setan di Vatikan.

itu, meluasnya pedofilia para pengikut setan - ritus dan praktek-praktek - yang
sudah didokumentasikan mengenai para uskup dan pendeta tertentu yang sudah
tersebar luas seperti Turin, di Italia, dan Carolina Selatan, di Amerika
Serikat. Tindakan pedofilia pemuja setan dianggap oleh para profesional menjadi
puncak dari ritus the Fallen Archangel."..

Dugaan-dugaan ini sebagian besar
tidak diperhatikan, karena Martin begitu mahir dalam menggambarkannya yang
bahkan mungkin merujuk pada ritus penobatan Paus Paul VI. Namun demikian ia
mengungkapkan lebih banyak tentang dugaan mengenai ritual ini dalam salah satu
karya terakhirnya, Windswept House: A Vatican Novel (1996).

Dalam buku
tersebut ia menggambarkan dengan jelas sebuah upacara yang disebut dengan
"pentakhtaan Lucifer, the Fallen Archangel" (Iblis, pent.) yang diselenggarakan di St Paul
Chapel, Vatican, dan dihubungkan dengan ritual setan yang secara bersamaan
dilaksanakan di Amerika Serikat, pada tanggal 29 Juni 1963, kurang dari
seminggu setelah pemilihan Paul VI.

novel itu, sebelum dia meninggal, seorang paus meninggalkan laporan rahasia di atas
mejanya tentang situasi mengenai orang yang akan menguasai St. Peter, seorang
kurus menyamar sebagai John Paul II.

mengatakan buku ini dibuat 85% berdasarkan pada kenyataan.

Malachi Martin mengatakan lebih lanjut para anggota kependetaan menyadari
situasinya. Seorang uskup agung juga dituduh sebagai anggota tingkat atas di
Roma dalam mempraktekkan Setanisme. Harian Italia Il Tempo dan koran harian
besar lainnya melaporkan berita-berita yang mengejutkan. "

The New American, Martin menegaskan bahwa upacara pentakhtaan memang terjadi
seperti yang telah dijelaskan."

diberi penghargaan

Malachi Martin diberi penghargaan bersama dengan Romo Fiore dan Kunz, informasi
lebih lengkap bisa diakses di situs Roman Catholic Faithful yang dimiliki oleh
Steven Brady. Brady menyelidiki kasus pedofilia yang dilakukan oleh oleh para
pastor dan berusaha mengingatkan para penganut agama Katolik mengenai gawatnya
masalah tersebut.

Romo Kunz,
Martin dan Fiore membantu dan mendukung upaya-upaya Mr. Brady. Romo .. Kunz
membayarnya dengan harga tertinggi: pembunuhan ritual.

yang diikrarkan oleh banyak perkumpulan rahasia termasuk mengiris tenggorokan
sebagai hukuman karena mengungkapkan kerahasiaan perkumpulan yang paling dalam.
Diungkapkan oleh Kunz sebagai pelaksanaan dari sebuah pemujaan?

Teman Kunz
dan sejawatnya, Malachi Martin tentu saja berpikir seperti itu. Enam minggu
setelah pembunuhan Kunz, Martin muncul di sebuah acara radio yang mengklaim
mempunyai informasi bahwa pembunuhan Kunz dilakukan oleh para penyembah
Lucifer. Luciferian bukan penyembah setan biasa, tetapi penyembah setan yang

Martin, adalah seorang mantan orang dalam Vatican dan ahli jaringan
penyimpangan seks di dalam Gereja Katolik, menjadi tamu tetap acara radio show
Kunz - "Catholic Family Hour." Malam Kunz dibunuh adalah malam yang
sama teman Kunz, Romo Charles Fiore, mengambil alih acara "Catholic Family
Hour." Fiore waktu itu merencanakan untuk mulai membongkar jaringan
pedofilia pengikut setan di dalam Gereja Katolik. Fiore berada dalam posisi
yang tepat dalam mengumpulkan data intelijen mengenai jaringan penyimpangan
seks, baik di dalam maupun di luar Gereja Katolik karena mengambil bagian dalam
Dewan Kebijakan Nasional - the Council for National Policy (CNP).

orang partisipan CNP berhubungan dekat atau terlibat jaringan penyimpangan seks
yang mengotori kancah politik Amerika."

mengatakan bahwa dia mengalami pelecehan seksual pada tugas pertamanya dan
sangat mengganggu dengan cara ditutup-tutupi oleh piramida kekuasaan. Selama
bertahun-tahun dia telah membantu sekitar seratus orang korban pelecehan

bantuan Kunz, Fiore menyiapkan berkas mengenai berbagai masalah dalam Gereja
Katolik di Amerika Serikat dan mengirimkannya kepada Paus melalui seorang
temannya Mgr. Dziwisz, Sekretaris Paus John Paul.

mengabaikan file tertanggal 24 Maret 2002. Berkas serupa (disiapkan oleh
seorang canon lawyer asal Dominika, Pendeta Thomas Doyle) yang disampaikan
kepada Paus oleh Kardinal Krol dari Detroit juga diabaikan. Paus juga
mengabaikan permintaan pribadi kardinal untuk bertindak melawan pedofilia,

mengaku ia mengetahui dari enam orang uskup yang pedofilia. Pernyataan ini
dianggap sesuatu yang aneh pada waktu itu, akan tetapi pada tahun 2008 ketika
sembilan belas orang uskup Amerika dituduh pedofilia, dimana beberapa orang
mengakuinya telah melakukan penyimpangan seks.

Fiore yang paling kontroversial adalah yang dikerjakan bersama-sama dengan
Stephen Cook, yang menuduh Kardinal Chicago, Bernardin melakukan pelecehan
seks. Bernardin kemudian mengatakan bahwa ia tidak bisa lagi memercayai
ingatannya mengenai penyimpangan seks karena kerja otaknya dipengaruhi oleh
penyakit AIDS ". 

adalah relevan karena merupakan bagian dari ritual setan.


Konsili Vatikan Dua, Romo Malachi Martin melakukan beberapa perjalanan ke B'nai
Brith di New York City sebagai Sekretaris Kardinal Bea. Martin pada waktu itu
masih sebagai anggota Ordo Jesuit yang muncul sebagai seorang modernis progresif
selama berlangsungnya Konsili.

orang-orang yang memperkirakan bahwa ia tetap menjadi "agen ganda"

mengatakan kepada penulis bahwa pada satu waktu ia bekerja untuk CIA sebagai
ahli bahasa di perbatasan Turki.

mengetahui secara langsung dari mana Vatikan dipimpin.

Moro Charles Fiore, buku terakhir Martin yang tidak selesai, Primacy, How the
Institution of the Catholic Church became a creature of the New World Order
(yang disebut 'survival manual"). Pada kenyataannya, Romo Fiore mengaku ia
sedang dalam proses pengeditan buku tersebut pada saat kematian Malechi.
Pertanyaannya tetap apakah buku itu selesai dan entah bagaimana terus hilang
dari peredaran.

mempertanyakan apakah Romo Martin dibunuh ..

Martin diduga membaca misterius Third Secret of Fatima, yang ada hubungannya dengan Rusia dan

diberikan bahwa Romo Martin merasa lega dari Tugas dan Kewajiban imam dan
dibebaskan dari Ordo Jesuit atas permintaannya.

yakin bahwa percakapan dengan Romo Malachi Martin menjelang akhir hidupnya, ia
ketakutan oleh apa yang ketahuinya dan apa yang sedang terjadi di dunia serta
Katolik pada khususnya.

Dia tahu
bahwa dia mungkin tidak akan melihatnya, tetapi merasakan kesedihan yang
mendalam kepada mereka yang saat ini masih muda yang akan membesarkan anak-anak
mereka di era Tata Dunia Baru.

ia ditekan oleh pewawancara untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu dari the Third Secret,
ia mengaku tetap setia kepada sumpah dan tidak mau mengungkapkan apa isinya.
Namun, dia menunjukkan kepada beberapa orang teman-temannya bahwa kegelapan
menutupi bumi dan kegelapan tersebut secara alami berupa fisik dan rohani. Dia
menyebutkan bahwa komunis Freemasonry sebagai "Luciferian Jahat."

Martin Rest In Peace.

Ritual Mistis Untuk Mengusir Roh Jahat


 Ritual Mistis Untuk Mengusir Roh Jahat - Eksorsisme atau Exorcist  adalah
sebuah praktik untuk mengusir setan atau makhluk halus (roh) jahat lainnya dari
seseorang atau suatu tempat yang dipercaya sedang kerasukan setan. Praktek ini
sudah cukup tua dan menjadi bagian dari sistem kepercayaan (agama) di berbagai


Orang yang melakukan eksorsisme, dikenal dengan sebutan eksorsis,
seringkali adalah seorang rohaniwan atau seseorang yang dipercaya memiliki
kekuatan atau kemampuan khusus. Eksorsis bisa menggunakan doa-doa dan hal-hal
religius lainnya, seperti mantra, gerak-gerik, simbol, gambar/patung orang
suci, jimat, dan yang lainnya. Sang eksorsis seringkali memohon bantuan Tuhan,
Yesus dan/atau beberapa malaikat dan malaikat agung lainnya untuk ikut campur
di dalam eksorsisme.

Secara umum, orang yang sedang kerasukan setan tidak dianggap sebagai setan itu
sendiri, termasuk juga sama sekali tidak bertanggung-jawab akan tindakan orang
itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu, para pelakunya menganggap eksorsisme lebih
sebagai suatu penyembuhan daripada suatu hukuman. Ritual-ritual yang umum akan
hal ini biasanya memperhatikan unsur tersebut, memastikan bahwa tidak akan
terjadi kekerasan terhadap diri orang yang kerasukan itu. Apabila ada potensi
terjadinya kekerasan, maka orang yang sedang kerasukan itu biasanya hanya
direbahkan dan diikat.


Nah berikut ini ada beberapa foto foto ritual Exorcist untuk
mengusir roh jahat yang ada di dalam tubuh seseorang.


Dengan Peserta bersedia badannya dipenuhi dengan debu dan lumpur,
serta dkelilingi api, itu bukan sebuah bentuk upacara keagamaan atau spiritual
konvensional. Tapi peristiwa terebut adalah bagian dari tradisi eksorsisme 20
tahun yang dipimpin oleh orang misterisu �Brother Hermes�, yang mengklaim ritual tersebut untuk mengusir roh-roh jahat.



Hermes (bahasa Yunani: Ἑρμῆς) adalah dewa pembawa pesan dalam mitologi Yunani. Hermes dilahirkan di Gunung Kellina di Arkadia. Hermes adalah anak dari Zeus dan Maia dan merupakan salah satu dewa Olimpus. Hermes adalah pelindung daerah
perbatasan, para pengelana, gembala, pencuri, penipu, pidato, sastra dan puisi,
olahraga, pengukuran, penemuan, dan perdagangan.[1][2] Simbolnya meliputi kura-kura, ayam
jantan, sandal bersayap, topi bersayap, dan kadukeus (tongkat yang dia dapat dari Apollo atas
penemuan Lira). Dalam mitologi Romawi, Hermes dikenali sebagai Merkurius,
dewa perdagangan yang diadaptasi dari mitologi Etruska.

Selain menemukan lira, Hermes
juga dipercaya menemukan berbagai jenis olahraga seperi gulat, balap,
dan tinju sehingga dianggap debagai dewa
atletik.[3] Hermes
melidungi para olahragawan dan membantu atlet yang terluka. Para pelancong juga
memberikan persembahan pada Hermes sebelum bepergian suapaya perjalanan mereka

Sebagai dewa pembawa pesan,
Hermes bertugas mengantarkan pesan dari para dewa di Olimpus kepada manusia.
Dia mengenakan sandal bersayap dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Tugas membawa pesan
juga dilakukan oleh dewi Iris.

Hermes juga bertugas membantu
para roh menemukan jalan menuju dunia bawah. Hermes adalah salah satu dewa
yang bisa dengan bebas keluar-masuk dunia bawah tanpa halangan, dewa lainnya
yang bisa melakukan hal tersebut adalah Hades, Persefone, Hekate, dan Thanatos.

Hermes adalah dewa termuda kedua
di antara dewa Olimpus setelah Dionisos. Pada malam setelah dia lahir, dia
mencuri ternak milik Apollo. Hermes berhubungan dengan Afroditdan memiliki anak bernama Hermafroditos.



Patung marmer Hermes,
buatan Romawi pada
abad ke-2 SM, kini disimpan di Museum Vatikan.

Pembawa pesan para dewa, dewa perdagangan,pencurian, perjalanan


Kadukeus, sandal bersayap, kura-kura,lira, ayam



Orang tua

Zeus dan Maia


Pan, Hermafroditos, Tikhe, Abderos,Autolikos, Eunomia, Rhodos, dan Peitho

Padanan dalammitologi Romawi



Fr. Malachi Martin affirmed: Satanism has been practiced in the

I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the
hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into
My Son's Church." - Our Lady of the
Roses, May 13, 1978  

Fr. Malachi
Martin's accusations

In The Fatima Crusader article, Malachi Martin, a
scholar, Vatican insider, and best-selling author, said, "Anybody who is
acquainted with the state of affairs in the Vatican in the last 35 years is
well aware that the prince of darkness has had and still has his surrogates in
the court of St. Peter in Rome."

     From 1958 until 1964, Jesuit priest Malachi Martin
served in Rome where he was a close associate of, and carried out many
sensitive missions for the renowned Jesuit Cardinal Augustin Bea and the pope.
Released afterwards from his vows of poverty and obedience at his own request
(but still a priest), he ultimately moved to New York and became a best-selling
writer of fiction and non-fiction.

     Martin had first made reference to a diabolic rite
held in Rome in his 1990 non-fiction best-seller about geopolitics and the
Vatican, The Keys of
This Blood, in which he wrote:

"Most frighteningly for
[Pope] John Paul [II], he had come up against the irremovable presence of a
malign strength in his own Vatican and in certain bishops' chanceries. It was
what knowledgeable Churchmen called the 'superforce.' Rumors, always difficult
to verify, tied its installation to the beginning of Pope Paul VI's reign in
1963. Indeed Paul had alluded somberly to 'the smoke of Satan which has entered
the Sanctuary'. . . an oblique reference to an enthronement ceremony by
Satanists in the Vatican. Besides, the incidence of Satanic pedophilia—rites
and practices— was already documented among certain bishops and priests as
widely dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States.
The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia are considered by professionals to be the
culmination of the Fallen Archangel's rites." (p. 632)

These allegations have largely
gone unnoticed, possibly because he was so crafty in his descriptions that he
might even have been referring to the coronation of Pope Paul VI. But he revealed
much more about this alleged ritual in one of his last works, Windswept House: A Vatican
Novel (1996). In
this story, he vividly described a ceremony called "The Enthronement of the
Fallen Archangel Lucifer" supposedly held in St. Paul's Chapel in the Vatican,
but linked with concurrent satanic rites here in the U.S., on June 29, 1963,
barely a week after the election of Paul VI. In the novel, before he dies, a
pope leaves a secret account of the situation on his desk for the next occupant
of the throne of Peter, a thinly-disguised John Paul II.

     According to The
New American, Martin confirmed that the ceremony did indeed occur as he
had described. "Oh yes, it is true; very much so," the magazine reported he
said. "But the only way I could put that down into print is in novelistic

      Martin's accusation of a satanic ritual at the
Vatican was also confirmed by John Loeffler, host of the Steel on Steel radio
show.  Mr. Loeffler personally asked Fr. Malachi Martin (who had been a
regular guest on his show) about the reported dedication to satan within the

"You know Malachi
confirmed—the first part of his book, Windswept
House—he confirmed the dedication of the Vatican to satan in a secret
ceremony that occurred unknown even to the Pope at that time, that he managed
to pick up. And I did ask him, 'Was this true? Did it happen?' And he [Fr.
Martin] said, 'yes, it
did.'" - John Loeffler (July 29, 2000 radio

Fr. Malachi Martin said more
members of the clergy are becoming aware of the situation. An archbishop
several years ago also accused high members of the hierarchy in Rome of
practicing satanism. The Italian newspaper Il
Tempo and other major daily
papers reported this stunning news (Italian newspaper articles).

Windswept House

Windswept House is a sweeping novel, set on the grand
global stage and the unfolding of the next stage of civilization, the
ominously-named New World Order. It tackles head-on a number of heavy issues
from abortion to the Third Secret of Fatima, but the essential message seems to
be this: Satanists lurk in the shadows, from the heart of the Vatican down to
the local parishes, manipulating those duped by the false spirit of Vatican II.
They are doing their damnedest to subvert the Roman Catholic Church.

     In Windswept
House, Martin was quite explicit about the conditions in the Vatican,
opening the novel with the above-mentioned satanic ritual. In it, Satan was
formally enthroned in the Vatican in the Chapel of St. Paul (by all reports a
dark and appropriately spooky place). The ceremony was coordinated via
telephone with another simultaneous rite in South Carolina.

     But these are minor quibbles. Like The Keys of This Blood, Windswept House is written for a wide and not
necessarily Catholic audience, but both books give an odd feeling of being
intended for John Paul II himself. It's as if Keys was written to show the Pope that
Martin understood what the Pontiff was doing in the geopolitical arena and
address his concerns for the Church's internal situation. (One may be reminded
of Machiavelli's The Prince,
written also by a courtier exiled from court.) Windswept House, however,
is a much more dramatic and desperate plea to the Pope.  

A Dark Vision  

Just how bad did Martin judge things to be? Extremely so:

"Suddenly it became
unarguable that now during this papacy, the Roman Catholic organization carried
a permanent presence of clerics who worshipped Satan and liked it; of bishops
and priests who sodomized boys and each other; of nuns who performed the "Black
Rites" of Wicca, and who lived in lesbian relationships . . . every day,
including Sundays and Holy Days, acts of heresy and blasphemy and outrage and
indifference were committed and permitted at holy Altars by men who had been
called to be priests. Sacrilegious actions and rites were not only performed on
Christ's Altars, but had the connivance or at least the tacit permission of
certain Cardinals, archbishops, and bishops. . . In total number they were a
minority—anything from one to ten percent of Church personnel. But of that
minority, many occupied astoundingly high positions or rank.... The facts that
brought the Pope to a new level of suffering were mainly two: The systematic
organizational links—the network, in other words that had been established
between certain clerical homosexual groups and Satanist covens. And the
inordinate power and influence of that network." (pp. 492-3)

At the time of his passing on
July 27, 1999, Martin was at work on what he said would be his most
controversial and important book. Primacy:
How the Institutional Roman Catholic Church became a Creature of The New World
Orderwas to deal with power and the papacy. This work was to analyze
the revolutionary shift that lies at the heart of what many see as the
breakdown of papal power. It was to be a book of predictions about the Vatican
and the world in the first decades of the new millennium.

Malachi Martin never recanted any of his claims that the scene in Windswept House was based on an actual satanic ritual
in the Vatican in the first days of the reign of Pope Paul VI, nor that there
exists a general satanic conspiracy within the Roman Catholic Church.  

The murder of
Pope John Paul I

The Blessed Virgin Mary's apparitions in
Bayside, New York stating that satan has entered into "the highest realms
of the hierarchy in Rome" would also explain some very dark secrets surrounding
the death of Pope John Paul I, who mysteriously died of a "heart attack"
slightly over a month after election. Regarding the alleged "heart attack," his
niece affirmed: 

"In my family almost no one
believes it was a heart attack that killed my uncle. He never had heart trouble
or any illness of that kind." (San Juan Star, October 3, 1978)  

And Pope John Paul I's brother:

"John Paul's brother Edoardo, in
Australia on a trade mission, reported that the Pope had been given a clean
bill of health after a medical examination three weeks ago. He was frail in
health as an infant and as a young priest, but there were no reports of heart
trouble." (San Juan Star, October 9, 1978)

From Time magazine (October 9, 1978):

In an earlier age so untimely a
death might have stirred deep suspicions: "If
this were the time of the Borgias," said
a young teacher in Rome, "there'd
be talk that John Paul was poisoned."  

But the Vatican replied that such
allegations were "irresponsible." (San Juan Star, October 18, 1978)

The fact is, Our Lady's message
at Bayside New York affirmed, "man has fallen very low, even (resorting) to
murder." (October 6, 1978) And on May 21, 1983: "We will go back, My child, in
history, a short history, and remember well what had happened in Rome to John,
Pope John, whose reign lasted 33 days.  O My child, it is history now, but
it is placed in the book that lists the disasters in mankind.  He received the horror and
martyrdom by drinking from a glass.  It was a champagne glass given to him
by a now deceased member of the clergy and the Secretariat of the State
[Cardinal Villot (right)]."  

Sound incredible? Please note
that a 1975 ruling from the Vatican ordered that no autopsy could be performed
on a Pope.  How convenient. What does the Vatican have to fear from an
autopsy?  Not just Our Lady's message points to foul play. There is a
best-selling book by David Yallop that also alleges that Pope John Paul I was
murdered: In God's Name: An
Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I.

This is just one more symptom of
what the real Third Secret is all about.  

"But, My children, as I
said in the past, I repeat again, that satan and his agents, the band of 666,
has entered into the highest places of the hierarchy; and therefore he has
captured some of Our formerly noble hierarchy to do his bidding." - Our Lady of the Roses, June 1, 1978

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upon us... Click

The Awesome Bayside Prophecies...   

These prophecies came
from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968
to 1995:


"Satan, the evils of satanism, only appear when sin has become a way of
life, and the evil has brought an immense blanket of darkness to an area. 666,
satan in human form, is wherever darkness is. He is the prince of darkness, the
father of all liars, the master of deceit. And I say, My children, the master
of deceit, for he is cunning beyond all human understanding." Our Lady, November 21, 1977 


"There are many nations now that promote the greatest of sacrileges.
Through their medias and their permissiveness, they have brought forth satanism—the
worship of satan, the adversary, to the debauchery of young children." Our Lady, March 18, 1983

GENESIS  3: 15

"You will continue, My child, to bring the sheep to My oasis, the sacred
grounds of grace. The wall has been set now to stop you, but no wall shall
transcend the supernatural. 

     "You understand now, My child, how needless it is
to set yourself to worry, for you drain your human strength. The will of the
Father, the most high God in Heaven, will be done. Satan is not above the
Father. He will do great battle, but I, your Mother, shall crush his head.

     "To give Me honor does not detract or take from
the honor to My Son. I say this, My child, to you and My children in all
humility. I, your Mother, I, too, am but an instrument of the Father in Heaven.
My Son has chosen to send Me to you as a Mediatrix between your world and the
world of the Father." Our
Lady, December 24, 1974


Veronica - Oh! Our Lady is also pointing over with a very angry look on Her
face. And I see—oh, a terrible . . . oh, it's—oh, my goodness! I
know what it is; I see . . . I know they're human beings, but they're wearing
black garments and slit holes in their faces. And Our Lady said:

Our Lady - "See, My child, the worship of the prince of evil. You are
shocked, My child? Do not delude yourselves that this does not exist upon your
earth now, the worship of satan. Pagans! Pagans in the House of God! Pagans
roaming your nations, leaders of your nations giving themselves to satan!" June 15, 1974 


"I have always asked you, the Eternal Father has written it in the good
Book, your Bible, to always test the spirits. My children, the evil, the
spirits of darkness always reveal themselves with time. They cannot conceal
their farce and lies. My children, you will understand now that satan is trying
to conceal his nature and his being to mankind to deceive you. If you do not
believe in the existence of Lucifer, satan, and his agents, demons, he can go
forward working his will among you unseen, unknown, unbelieved, but creating
disaster and death to souls. 

     "My children, the man you call 'Sam' is satan in
a human body. He has powers beyond what most human beings could
understand." Our Lady,
November 21, 1977 


"There is a group in the United States and the world, a group that started
many years ago, calling itself the Illuminati, coming from the word 'light
bearer.' Naturally, My children, this light that they bear stands for Lucifer,
and as such they have gone through the world secretly known as Luciferians.
They have brought into your country, the United States, and your neighbor
Canada, a group of witchcraft practices. Well have they laid their plan to
destroy your children with drugs, using your school systems, your medias of
communication, your newspapers, your televisions, your radios: every means of
communication has been infiltrated by the members and sub-members of the
Illuminati, a conglomeration of individuals and powers and principalities
throughout the world, and banking systems. As you well know, My children, money
has always been the root of all evil, and many have sold their souls to get to
the head." Our Lady,
November 25, 1978 


"There is now a conspiracy of evil in your country, the United States.
Recognize the meaning of Illuminati. It has been now interwoven with the
churches of satan and the massive international organization of Wicca. They are
now fighting My Son's Church. It is satan who guides them, for these people who
have entered into the organization of Wicca and Illuminati, they are dead
bodies and dead souls!

     "You ask, My children, how this can be? Much that
will take place now in the near future you will see and be astounded at.
Remember, My children, that Lucifer has great power. However, his time is
growing short, and realizing this he has accelerated his evil." Our Lady, December 7, 1977 


"Listen well, My children, and understand that I ask you to remove all
diabolical musical recordings from your homes. Your children are bringing
demons into your homes because, at the time that these records were produced,
called 'rock, hard rock'—they were produced in the temple of satan,
consecrated to satan. You do not understand, My children, but many of your
companies, your record companies, are under the control of Wicca, the
international organization of witches and warlocks. Do not laugh! It is true!
Lucifer has given them power over mankind. However, the power is allowed by God
the Father in Heaven to test all of mankind." Our Lady, November 25, 1978 

Directives from Heaven...

D28 - Hell   PDF  Order

D29 - Purgatory   PDF  Order

D129 - Third
Secret, Part 1 - 666 in Rome   PDF  Order

D130 - Third Secret,  Part 2 -
Satan entered the Church in 1972   PDF  Order

D131 - Third Secret,  Part 3 -
Satan in highest realms of the hierarchy   PDF  Order

D132 - Third Secret,  Part
4 - Bishop
against bishop, cardinal against cardinal  PDF  Order

D133 - The Apocalypse / Revelations  PDF  Order copies...

D149 - Satanism, Part 1   PDF  Order copies...

D150 - Satanism, Part 2   PDF  Order copies...

D166 - Drugs   PDF  Order copies...

D205 - Sin is insanity    PDF  Order copies...

D207 - Deceit and Deception    PDF  Order copies...

D216 - Pornography    PDF  Order copies...

D217 - Missing children    PDF  Order copies...

D222 - Paganism    PDF  Order copies... 

D245 - Demons PDF  Order copies...

D246 - Doctrines of Demons  PDF  Order copies...

Evidence for
the REAL Third Secret:

Cardinal Oddi on the REAL Third Secret of
Fatima: "The Blessed Virgin was alerting us against the apostasy in the

Fr. Alonso, official achivist of Fatima: The
REAL Third Secret of Fatima warned of apostasy in the Church

Evidence of the REAL Third Secret: The
"deception of the century"

Warnings from Beyond: A Swiss exorcism reveals
existence of an impostor to Pope Paul VI

Jacinta's vision of the Holy Father, "the
poor little one," was Pope Paul VI

The approved apparitions of Our Lady of Akita,
Japan and the Third Secret

Evidence of the REAL Third Secret: The murder
of Pope John Paul I

Third Secret tells of a spiritual chastisement:
loss of faith, faltering and punishment of the pastors, diabolical

Cardinal Oddi's hypothesis on the REAL Third
Secret: "Let me advance a hypothesis: that the Third Secret of Fatima
pre-announces something terrible the Church has done"

Sister Lucy talked about the "diabolical
disorientation" in the Church as 1972 approached

Evidence of the REAL Third Secret: "Satan
would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy"

Evidence of the REAL Third Secret: World's most
famous exorcist has said, "legions
of demons that have installed themselves in the Vatican"

Evidence of the REAL Third Secret: Man who shot
Pope John Paul II says, "Without the help of some priests and cardinals I
could not have done it"

Evidence of the REAL Third Secret: Jacinta told
Mother Godinho the Third Secret, but...

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encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops
and all the clergy.  Also, email or send this web page to the news media
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Copyright © These Last Days Ministries, Inc. 1996 - 2012   All
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Revised: June 27, 2012

Fr. Malachi Martin's accusations

In The Fatima
Crusader article, Malachi Martin, a scholar,
Vatican insider, and best-selling author, said,

"Anybody who is acquainted with the state of affairs in the
Vatican in the last 35 years is well aware that the prince of darkness has had
and still has his surrogates in the court of St. Peter in Rome."

From 1958 until 1964, Jesuit priest Malachi Martin served in Rome where he was a close
associate of, and carried out many sensitive missions for the renowned Jesuit
Cardinal Augustin Bea and the pope. Released afterwards from
his vows of poverty and obedience at his own request (but still a priest), he
ultimately moved to New York and became a best-selling writer of fiction and

Martin had first made reference to a diabolic rite held in Rome in his 1990
non-fiction best-seller about geopolitics and the Vatican, The Keys of This Blood,
in which he wrote:

"Most frighteningly for [Pope] John Paul [II], he had come
up against the irremovable presence of a malign strength in his own Vatican and
in certain bishops' chanceries. It was what knowledgeable Churchmen called the
'superforce.' Rumors, always difficult to verify, tied its installation
to the beginning of Pope Paul VI's reign in 1963. Indeed Paul had alluded
somberly to 'the smoke of Satan which has entered the Sanctuary'... an oblique
reference to an enthronement ceremony bySatanists in the Vatican.


Besides, the incidence of Satanic
pedophilia —rites and
practices— was already documented among certain bishops and priests as widely
dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States. The
cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the Fallen
Archangel's rites."

(p. 632)

These allegations have largely gone unnoticed, possibly because
he was so crafty in his descriptions that he might even have been referring to
the coronation of Pope Paul VI.


But he revealed much more about this alleged ritual in one of
his last works, Windswept House: A Vatican Novel (1996). In this story, he vividly
described a ceremony called "The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel
Lucifer" supposedly held in St. Paul's Chapel in the Vatican, but linked
with concurrent satanic rites here in the U.S., on June 29, 1963, barely a week
after the election of Paul VI. In the novel, before he dies, a pope leaves a
secret account of the situation on his desk for the next occupant of the throne
of Peter, a thinly-disguised
John Paul II.


According to The
New American, Martin confirmed that the ceremony did indeed occur as he had

"Oh yes, it is true; very much so," the magazine reported he
said. "But the only way I could put that down into print is in novelistic

Martin's accusation of a satanic
ritual at the Vatican was
also confirmed by John
Loeffler, host of the Steel
on Steel radio show. Mr. Loeffler personally asked Fr. Malachi Martin (who
had been a regular guest on his show) about the reported dedication to satan
within the Vatican:

"You know Malachi confirmed—the first part of his book, Windswept House—he confirmed
the dedication of the Vatican to satan in a secret ceremony that occurred
unknown even to the Pope at that time, that he managed to pick up. And I did
ask him, 'Was this true? Did it happen?' And he [Fr. Martin] said, 'yes, it


- John Loeffler

(July 29, 2000 radio show)

Fr. Malachi Martin said
more members of the clergy are becoming aware of the situation. An archbishop
several years ago also accused high members of the hierarchy in Rome of
practicing satanism. The Italian newspaper Il
Tempo and other major daily
papers reported this stunning news (below Italian newspaper articles).



Satanism Is Practiced in Vatican
In recent weeks, a
firestorm has been raging in Italy. The controversy is revolving around the
statements made byArchbishop Emmanuel Milingo, who made formal
allegations that satanic activity is taking place inside the
Vatican. When questioned by the Italian press about the allegations, he said
that he stood by them.
The Archbishop chose the Fatima 2000 International Congress
on World Peace held in Rome
in November 1996 hosted by The Fatima Crusader magazine as a platform to
first make these allegations public. 

The Fatima 2000 Congress was sponsored by publisher Father
Nicholas Gruner, who has spent the past 18 years
attempting to persuade the Vatican to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate
Heart of Mary as She requested in apparitions to three shepherd children at
Fatima, Portugal, in 1917.
Father Gruner has also sought disclosure of the Third
Secret, which has been kept under lock and key in the Vatican since it was
delivered there in 1957 and read by Pope John XXIII in private. 

Archbishop Milingo, who works inside the Vatican, as the Special
Delegate to The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Immigrants and
Itinerants, is uniquely qualified to speak on the issue of satanism. Besides
his responsibilities in the Vatican, the Archbishop is a world renowned
veteran exorcist. 

These allegations by Milingo are particularly interesting to
informed Catholics because the statements that the Archbishop is making are
very similar to the recent book written by the well respected Catholic
writer, Dr. Malachi Martin. 

Dr. Martin's new book, Windswept House,
which was published in 1996, was written as fiction, but well known author,
editor Father Charles Fiore, FSSP, claims in his review of the book, which
was printed in the Catholic
Family News, July 1996, that it is "a novel in which actual persons
and events are disguised as fiction."

Dr. Martin's book is shocking because in it he describes a satanic
ritual which took place at Saint Paul's Chapel inside Vatican City, on June
29, 1963. Windswept Housegives
a scary depiction of high ranking Churchmen taking oaths signed with their
own blood, who plot to destroy the Church from within and participate in
meticulously enacted rituals that blaspheme and devilishly mimic the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass.
When Malachi Martin was questioned shortly after, about
the Archbishop's speech at Fatima 2000, he said,
"Archbishop Milingo is
a good Bishop and his contention that there are satanists in Rome is
completely correct. Anybody who is acquainted with the state of affairs in
the Vatican in the last 35 years is well aware that the prince of darkness
has had and still has his surrogates in the court of St. Peter in Rome."
Dr. Martin concluded his
statement by discussing the importance of the work of Father Nicholas Gruner, by
"Father Gruner is
fulfilling a desperately needed function in the ongoing perception of Mary s
role in the salvation of our imperiled world. Father Gruner is absolutely
correct that the Consecration of Russia as Our Lady desired, has not been
executed. It may not be too late if Father Gruner's plea is heeded in
Dr. Martin was Secretary to Cardinal Bea in the Vatican. Dr. Martin says that
Cardinal Bea was shown the Third Secret by Pope John XXIII, and came out of
the meeting visibly shaken, expressing his distress to Dr. Martin that the
Pope was not going to reveal the Third Secret to the world. Dr. Martin also
confirms that the content of the Third Secret is the unprecedented crisis in
contemporary Catholicism and the failure of the Hierarchy to adequately
address it. 

In conclusion, it is an obvious reality that satanism is now, and has been
existing inside the Vatican itself. Through the reputable testimony of Archbishop Milingo and Dr. Malachi Martin, this
deeply buried Vatican secret is now surfacing.




Windswept House

Windswept House is a
sweeping novel, set on the grand global stage and the unfolding of the next
stage of civilization, the ominously-named New World Order.


It tackles head-on a number of heavy issues from abortion to the Third Secret of Fatima, but the
essential message seems to be this: Satanists lurk in the shadows, from the
heart of the Vatican down to the local parishes, manipulating those duped by
the false spirit of Vatican II. They are doing their damnedest to subvert the Roman Catholic Church.

In Windswept House, Martin
was quite explicit about the conditions in the Vatican, opening the novel with
the above-mentioned satanic ritual. In it, Satan was formally enthroned in the
Vatican in the Chapel of St. Paul (by all reports a dark and appropriately
spooky place). The ceremony was coordinated via telephone with another
simultaneous rite in South Carolina.

But these are minor quibbles. Like The
Keys of This Blood, Windswept
House is written for a wide
and not necessarily Catholic audience, but both books give an odd feeling of
being intended for John Paul II himself.


It's as if Keys was written to show the Pope that Martin
understood what the Pontiff was doing in the geopolitical arena and address his
concerns for the Church's internal situation. (One may be reminded of Machiavelli's The Prince, written also by a
courtier exiled from court.)


Windswept House, however, is a much more
dramatic and desperate plea to the Pope. 



A Dark Vision

Just how bad did Martin judge things to be? Extremely so:

"Suddenly it became unarguable that now during this papacy, the Roman Catholic organization carried a permanent presence of
clerics who worshipped Satan and liked it; of bishops and priests
who sodomized boys and each other; of nuns who performed the "Black Rites" of
Wicca, and who lived in lesbian relationships... every day, including Sundays
and Holy Days, acts of heresy and blasphemy and outrage and indifference were
committed and permitted at holy Altars by men who had been called to be


Sacrilegious actions and rites were not only performed on Christ's Altars, but had the
connivance or at least the tacit permission of certain Cardinals, archbishops,
and bishops... In total number they were a minority—anything from one to ten
percent of Church personnel. But of that minority, many occupied astoundingly
high positions or rank....


The facts that brought the Pope to a new level of suffering were
mainly two: The systematic organizational links—the network, in other words
that had been established between certain clerical homosexual groups and
Satanist covens. And the inordinate power and influence of that network."

(pp. 492-3)

At the time of his passing on July 27, 1999, Martin was at work on what he said would be
his most controversial and important book. Primacy: How the Institutional
Roman Catholic Church became a Creature of The New World Order was to deal with power and the papacy.


This work was to analyze the revolutionary shift that lies at
the heart of what many see as the breakdown of papal power. It was to be a book
of predictions about the Vatican and the world in the first decades of the new

Fr. Malachi Martin never
recanted any of his claims that the scene in Windswept
House was based on an actual satanic ritual in the
Vatican in the first days of
the reign of Pope Paul VI (image left), nor that there
exists a general satanic conspiracy within the Roman Catholic Church. 



The murder of Pope John Paul I

The Blessed Virgin Mary's apparitions in Bayside, New York stating that satan
has entered into "the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome" would also explain some
very dark secrets surrounding the death of Pope John Paul I (image right), who
mysteriously died of a "heart attack" slightly over a month after election.


Regarding the alleged "heart attack," his niece affirmed:

"In my family almost no one believes it was a heart attack that
killed my uncle. He never had heart trouble or any illness of that kind."


(San Juan Star, October 3, 1978)

And Pope John Paul I's brother:

"John Paul's brother Edoardo, in Australia on a trade mission,
reported that the Pope had been given a clean bill of health after a medical
examination three weeks ago. He was frail in health as an infant and as a young
priest, but there were no reports of heart trouble."


(San Juan Star, October 9, 1978)

From Time
magazine (October 9, 1978):

In an earlier age so untimely a death might have stirred deep suspicions:
"If this were the time of the Borgias," said a young teacher in Rome, "there'd
be talk that John Paul was poisoned." 

But the Vatican replied that such allegations were "irresponsible."


(San Juan Star, October 18, 1978)

The fact is, Our Lady's message at Bayside
New York affirmed, "man has fallen very low, even (resorting) to murder."
(October 6, 1978)


And on May 21, 1983:

"We will go back, My child, in history, a short history, and
remember well what had happened in Rome to John, Pope John, whose reign lasted
33 days. O My child, it is history now, but it is placed in the book that lists
the disasters in mankind. He received the horror and martyrdom by drinking from
a glass. It was a champagne glass given to him by a now deceased member of the
clergy and the Secretariat of the State [Cardinal Villot(image right)]."

Sound incredible? Please note that a 1975 ruling from the
Vatican ordered that no autopsy could be performed on a Pope. How convenient.


What does the
Vatican have to fear from an
autopsy? Not just Our Lady's message points to foul play.


There is a best-selling book by David Yallop that also alleges that Pope John Paul I was murdered: In God's Name: An Investigation
into the Murder of Pope John Paul I.



An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I

by David A. Yallop 


The spiritual leader of nearly one-fifth of the world's population wields
immense power: but any uninformed observer ofAlbino Luciani at the beginning of his reign as Pope John Paul I would have found it difficult to
believe that this man truly embodied such power. The diffidence and humility
emanating from this small, quiet, 65-year-old Italian had led many to
conclude that this Papacy would not be particularly noteworthy. The
well-informed, however, knew differently: Albino
Luciani had embarked on a revolution. 


It was by any standards a dramatic reshuffle. It would set the
Church in new directions; directions which Villot,
and the others on the list who were about to be replaced, considered highly
dangerous. When these changes were announced there would be millions of words
written and uttered by the world's media, analyzing, dissecting, prophesying,
The real explanation,
however, would not be discussed, would not be given a public airing- there
was one common denominator, one fact that linked each of the men about to be
replaced. Villot was aware of it. More important, so
was the Pope. It had been one of the factors that had caused him to act: to
strip these men of real power and put them into relatively harmless
positions. It was Freemasonry. 

The evidence the Pope had acquired indicated that within the Vatican City
State there wereover 100 Masons, ranging from Cardinals to priests.
This despite the fact that Canon Law stated that to be a Freemason ensured
automatic ex-communication.
Luciani was further preoccupied with an illegal
masonic lodge which had penetrated far beyond Italy in its search for wealth
and power. It called itself P2.
The fact that it had penetrated the Vatican walls and formed links with
priests, bishops and even Cardinals made P2 anathema to Albino Luciani. 


Over at least three of these men lurked the shadow of another, Licio Gelli. Men called him
'Il Burattinaio'- the Puppet Master. The puppets were many and were placed in
numerous countries. He controlled P2 and through it he controlled Italy.
In Buenos Aires, the city
where he discussed the problem of the new Pope with Calvi, the Puppet Master had
organized the triumphant return to power of General
Peron - a fact that Peron
subsequently acknowledged by kneeling at Gelli's feet. IfMarcinkus, Sindona or Calvi were threatened by the various
courses of action planned by Albino Luciani, it was in Licio Gelli's direct
interests that the threat should be removed. 

It was abundantly clear that on September 28th, 1978, these six men,
...had much to fear if the
Papacy of John Paul I continued. It is equally clear that
all of them stood to gain in a variety of ways if Pope John Paul I should
suddenly die. 

He did. 


This is just one more symptom of what the
real Third Secret is all

"But, My children, as I said in the past, I repeat again,
that satan and his agents, the band of 666, has entered into the highest places
of the hierarchy; and therefore he has captured some of Our formerly noble
hierarchy to do his bidding."


- Our Lady of the Roses

June 1, 1978


The Deep Politics of God Revisited

The Kunz

Some crime scenes
are so grisly and gruesome that they beggar description. One such scene was
discovered on March 4th, 1998 by a young teacher at the residence of Father
Alfred Kunz (Kennedy 150). Father Kunz was discovered face down in a pool of
his own blood with his throat cut (150). While the culprit was never found,
there is a body of evidence that suggests Satanism was involved in the murder.
A mutilated calf was discovered on a farm fifteen minutes away from Kunz's dead
body (150-151). The calf had its throat slit and its blood drained into a milk
pail (151). The calf's genitals had also been cut off (151). Cult experts
consider calf mutilations to be "the calling card or 'signature' of
Satanists" (151). Kunz's slit throat was also significant. The oaths of
many secret societies include throat slicing as a penalty for revealing a
group's closest secrets (152-53). Was Kunz exposing the operations of a cult?
Kunz's friend and associate, former Vatican insider Malachi Martin certainly
thought so. Six weeks after Kunz's murder, Martin appeared on a radio show
claiming to have inside information that Kunz's murder was carried out by
Luciferians (153). Luciferians are not your garden variety devil worshippers,
but they are devil worshippers nonetheless.

Kunz's murder came
shortly after he made it known that the format of his hour-long radio show
calledCatholic Family Hour was going to be modified (151).
Malachi Martin, a former Vatican insider and expert on deviant sex rings within
the Catholic Church, had become a regular guest on the show (151). The night
Kunz was murdered was the exact same night that Kunz's friend, Father Charles
Fiore, took over the Catholic Family Hour show (151). Fiore planned to begin
exposing satanic pedophile rings within the Catholic Church (151-52). Fiore was
in a perfect position to collect intelligence on deviant sex rings both inside
and outside the Catholic Church because of his participation in the Council for
National Policy (CNP). Fiore had been on the CNP's Board of Governors in 1982,
and had been a CNP participant in 1984 and 1988 ("Council for National
Policy: Selected Member Biographies," no pagination). Fiore had also been
a member of fellow CNP participant Ed McAteer's Religious Roundtable Council
(no pagination).

The CNP is a
religious engineering project launched by Nelson Bunker Hunt, a board member
and financier of the John Birch Society (JBS) (Aho, no pagination). JBS claims
to be an organization opposed to the power elite and elitist machinations such
as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. However,
upon closer inspection, one discovers that the JBS is actually connected to the
very elitist machinations it claims to be fighting. For instance, JBS members
such as William Grede, William Benton McMillan, Robert Waring Stoddard, J.
Nelson Shepherd, and Spruille Braden were either directly or indirectly
associated with the CFR (no pagination).

The CNP was created
with the remnants of the domestic surveillance/intel-gathering arm of the JBS,
the Western Goals Foundation (no pagination). Again, Nelson Bunker Hunt, who
was also a principal character at Western Goals, provided the starter-up money
for the CNP (no pagination). Hunt would go on to serve as the CNP's president
from 1983 to 1984 and also served on the CNP's board of Governors (no
pagination). As was the case with the JBS, the CNP was presented to the
American public as an alternative to the CFR. ABC's Marc J. Ambinder has even
characterized it as "the conservative version of the Council on Foreign
Relation" (no pagination). However, the CNP first Governing Board had
three CFR members sitting on it: George F. Gilder, Dr. Edward Teller, and Guy
Vander Jagt (Aho, no pagination). Later members of the CNP who were also CFR
members included J. Peter Grace and Arnaud De Borchgrave (no pagination).

Several CNP
participants have been close to or involved in deviant sex rings that litter
the American political landscape.

The CNP and
Deviant Sex Rings

A thread of sexual
deviance within the CNP becomes evident with CNP member James Dobson promotion
of Joseph Nicolosi's reparative therapy. Ostensibly, this controversial
psychotherapy is designed to facilitate the abatement of the same-sex
affinities exhibited by homosexuals. To prevent homosexuality in young boys,
Nicolosi recommends that fathers should accompany their sons into the shower,
where boys discover that their dads have penises, "just like his, only
bigger" (no pagination). Nicolosi never adequately demonstrates how such a
bizarre practice could effectively prevent sexual confusion. Reparative therapy
itself has never produced any viable results. So, why is it still embraced by
people in the Evangelical establishment? Is reparative therapy designed to cure
young boys, or seduce them?

Another possible link
between the CNP and organized groups of perverts is CNP participant Jack
Abramoff and former Congressman Mark Foley. Foley became embroiled in scandal
back in 2006 when it was discovered that the former congressman was sending
questionable and sexually explicit e-mails to a sixteen year old former
congressional page (Shwartz and Sauer, no pagination). The scandal led to the
congressman's resignation (Ross and Sauer, no pagination). A retired
intelligence agency official with multiple Capitol Hill sources told
investigative journalist Tom Flocco that federal agents linked Foley to GOP
lobbyist Jack Abramoff and GOP reporter/former male prostitute Jeff Gannon (no
pagination). Flocco's intelligence insider informed him that the sex / spy ring
at the Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton hotels in Washington, DC were
operated by Abramoff (no pagination). The insider also told Flocco that Gannon
and Abramoff acted as facilitators for the poker parties and an elaborate
prostitution ring of pedophiles and extortion-friendly
homosexuals-in-the-closet serving factions of the Republican leadership (no
pagination). If Flocco's sources are correct, the CNP is directly tied to
network of deviant sex rings. Abramoff has been a member of the CNP (Council
for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies, no pagination). Abramoff has
collaborated with other CNP members, one being Grover Norquist. In June 2006,
the Senate Indian Affairs Committee released an investigative report charging
that CNP member Grover Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform provided a channel
for money to "surreptitiously finance grass-roots lobbying campaigns"
(Schmidt and Grimaldi, no pagination). According to E-mails, Norquist's
organization retained a small percentage of these funds (no pagination).

Norquist's Council
of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy was also involved in Abramoff
operations. Susan Schmidt and James V. Grimaldi elaborates:

A second group
Norquist was involved with, the Council of Republicans for Environmental
Advocacy received about $500,000 in Abramoff client funds; the council's
president has told Senate investigators that Abramoff often asked her to lobby
a senior Interior Department official on his behalf. The committee report said
the Justice Department should further investigate the organization's dealings
with the department and its former deputy secretary, J. Steven Griles. (no

Norquist and
Abramoff have maintained a close friendship since they were leaders of the
College Republicans (no pagination). CNP participants Jesse Helms and Alan
Keyes also collaborated with Abramoff's International Freedom Foundation, which
was a Washington-based organization that received clandestine financing from
the South African military to promote foreign advocates of apartheid (Ballenger,
no pagination). Abramoff also arranged for CNP participant Tom DeLay's sojourns
to Saipan during the New Years of 1997 (Ross, no pagination). DeLay made at
least three other expense-paid trips that were connected to Abramoff, including
sojourns to Moscow in 1997, London and Scotland in 2000, and South Korea in
2001 (no pagination). At one time, CNP member Ralph Reed acted as an unpaid
intern for Abramoff ("Jack Abramoff," no pagination). Reed was
invited to sleep on Abramoff couch and, in his book Active Faith, Reed even claims
that Abramoff introduced him to his future wife (no pagination). Reed's
marketing company was also involved in Abramoff's lobbying efforts (no
pagination).This places the CNP very close to deviant sex rings, if Flocco's allegations
concerning Abramoff prove to be true and his intelligence source is legitimate.

contentions are strengthened by the fact that CNP participant Abramoff's
lobbying team was involved in writing Republican Representative Ralph Hall's
statements on the House floor. Hall's presentation questioned the claims of a
teenage girl purporting to be a victim of the sex trade in the Northern
Marianas Islands (Kiel, no pagination). CNP participant DeLay was Abramoff's
strongest Congressional supporter on the Marianas issue, and Hall even accepted
money from DeLay while he was still a democrat (no pagination). CNP participant
Diana Weyrich was also Ralph Hall's former staff assistant (Council for
National Policy: Selected Member Biographies, no pagination). Evidently, these
CNP-aligned parties had a vested interest in obfuscating specific details about
the Marianas sex slave trade.

Covenant House also
ties the CNP to deviant sex rings. According to John DeCamp, Covenant House was
used to acquire children for the purposes of pedophilia. The former Nebraska
senator provides the following description:

Lauded by the
Reagan and Bush Administrations as a showcase for the privatization of social
service, Covenant House had expanded into Guatemala as a gateway to South
America. According to intelligence community sources, the purpose was
procurement of children from South America for exploitation in a pedophile
ring. The flagship Guatemalan mission of Covenant House was launched by a
former business partner of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, Roberto Alejos
Arzu, who had ties to the CIA, according to the Village Voice of Feb. 20, 1990.
The Voice quoted Jean-Marie Simon, author of Guatemala: Eternal Spring, Eternal
Tyranny: "It's like having Idi Amin on the board of Amnesty
International." (180)

Robert Macauley,
the founder of Americares, has been one of Covenant House's major benefactors
(180). CNP member J. Peter Grace helped found Americares (Collins, "Order
of Malta valuable to church in Zaire," no pagination). One of Americare's
largest contributors is none other than CNP participant Pat Robertson (no
pagination). In February of 1989, when Covenant House director, Father Bruce
Ritter, was accused to of having molested children at the youth organization,
the powerful PR firm Hill and Knowlton dispatched Charles Perkins to help with
Covenant House public relations dilemma (DeCamp 180). Perkins rushed from New
York and gave aid to Covenant House for a fraction of Hill and Knowlton's
regular fee (180).

In 1986, one the
Hill and Knowlton's former employees, Robert Keith Gray, became chairman and
CEO of the PR giant after his own firm was bought out by Hill and Knowlton
(178). According to DeCamp, Gray is also reportedly a specialist in homosexual
blackmail operations for the CIA (178). John DeCamp also reveals Gray's
relationship with two major covert operators, Edwin Wilson and Frank Terpil.
DeCamp states:

During the
Watergate era, Robert Keith Gray served on the board of Consultants
International, founded by CIA agent Edwin Wilson. When Wilson and fellow agent
Frank Terpil got caught running guns abroad, Gray tried to deny his connection
with Wilson. "Yet ten years before," according to Peter Maas' bookManhunt, "in a top secret Navy review of Wilson's intelligence career,
Gray described Wilson as a person of 'unqualified trust,' with whom he'd been
in contact 'professionally two or three times a month' since 1963." (179)

Gray's connection
to Wilson is significant. Fugitive ex-CIA officer Frank Terpil has claimed that
sexual blackmailing operations directed by the CIA were intensive in Washington
during the Watergate era (DeCamp 179). Terpil also asserts that his former
partner, Ed Wilson, was coordinating one of these sexual blackmail operations
(179). In a letter to author Jim Hougan, Terpil revealed Wilson modus operandi:

Historically, one
of Wilson Agency jobs was to subvert members of both houses [of Congress] by
any means necessary Certain people could be easily coerced by living out their
sexual fantasies in the flesh A remembrance of these occasions [was]
permanently recorded via selected cameras The technicians in charge of filming
[were] TSD [Technical Services Division of the CIA]. The unwitting porno stars
advanced in their political careers, some of [whom] may still be in office.
(Qtd. in DeCamp 179)

DeCamp asserts that
the Wilson/Terpil/Gray operations were merely continuations of sexual blackmail
operations ran by the infamous Roy Cohn:

Gray's associate
Wilson was apparently continuing the work of a reported collaborator of Gray
from the 1950 -McCarthy committee counsel Roy Cohn, now dead of AIDS. According
to the former head of the vice squad for one of America's biggest cities,
Cohn's job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman,
who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn's job was to set them up,
then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself. The first president of
Tong Sun Park George Town Club, where Wilson sexual blackmail operations were
reportedly run, was Robert Keith Gray. (179-80)

Cohn's sexual
blackmail operation may have even included the cult that Maury Terry alleges
was behind the Son of Sam killings. Terry conducted a meticulous investigation
into the Son of Sam murders and gathered compelling evidence that David
Berkowitz was only one participant in what was, in fact, a string of cult
killings. The cult behind these crimes was the satanic group known as the
Process Church of the Final Judgement. According to David Berkowitz, the
Process provided children for sex at parties held by wealthy people in
Westchester, Manhattan, Connecticut, and Long Island (Terry 534). Berkowitz
informed Terry that one of these parties were held at Cohn house in Connecticut
and Berkowitz even got to meet the infamous McCarthy aide during the party
(534). This may explain the satanic aspects of the deviant sex rings being
exposed by Fiore, Martin, and Kunz. It may also explain why there were so many
satanic features to the Kunz murder.

Cohn is important
because of his connection to the CNP. After the mysterious death of Larry
MacDonald, Cohn ran Western Goals Foundation for a short time ( "Western
Goals Foundation," no pagination). CNP participant John Singlaub was a
joint-founder of Western Goals (no pagination). CNP participant J. Peter Grace
had the CNP major funder, Roger Milliken, on the board of Directors of his W.R.
and Grace Company (no pagination). One of Western Goals major contributors,
Nelson Bunker Hunt, was a CNP participant (no pagination). Two other CNP participants,
Daniel Graham and Mildred Jefferson, were also involved in Western Goals (no
pagination). As stated earlier, the CNP was created with the remnants of
Western Goals. It is also possible the CNP participant Abramoff sex/blackmail
ring is yet another continuation of the Cohn/Wilson operation.

Is the CNP some
monolithic conspiracy of sexual deviants? Of course not. However, it does seem
to be part of a network where a sexually deviant subculture has flourished
hiding under a cloak of family values.


According to
researcher William H. Kennedy, Kunz and Fiore collaborated with former Vatican
insider Malachi Martin in gathering intelligence on deviant sex rings within
the Catholic Church (146). In Keys of this Blood, Martin wrote about the existence of what he called a
"superforce" within the Catholic Church (82). Martin claimed that
"this superforce is a sort of ecclesiastical version of a hostile
corporate takeover team" (83). He also claimed that the superforce was
made up of "Churchmen of such rank and power within the Vatican and at key
points of the hierarchic structure that they controlled the most vital organs
and sinews of that structure, worldwide" (82). Several CNP participants
are members of groups that may constitute the superforce. For instance, CNP
participants William Simon and Frank Shakespeare are members of the Sovereign
Military Order of the Knights of Malta (SMOM) ("Council for National
Policy: Selected Member Biographies," no pagination). Deceased CNP
participant J. Peter Grace was actually a President of the American Association
of the Knights of Malta (no pagination). Ostensibly a traditional Catholic
organization, the Knights of Malta are, in fact, major players in the realm of
criminal politics. The group has major connection with the Nazis, both before
and after the Second World War.

Knight of Malta
Franz von Papen acted as a frontman for the Nazis when he became German
Chancellor in 1932 ("Nazis, the Vatican, and CIA," no pagination).
That very same year, von Papen dissolved the Reichstag and began promoting new
elections. When the new election were carried out, the Nazis became the
dominant party in the new Reichstag (no pagination). In 1933, von Papen
convinced President von Hindenberg to make Hitler Chancellor (no pagination).
Hilter rewarded the Knight of Malta with the Vice-Chancellorship (no
pagination). That same year, von Papen climbed the ranks of the Knights of
Malta to become Knight Magistral Grand Cross (no pagination). One year later,
von Papen assumed the role of Hitler's Ambassador to Austria (no pagination).
Von Papen also served as the Nazi Ambassador to Turkey from 1939 to 1944 (no
pagination). His punishment for all of this was an acquittal at the Nuremburg
trials and a munificent pension from Konrad Adenauer, the Chancellor after the
war. Apparently, it pays to be Knight of Malta.

SMOM was also
instrumental in establishing the postwar Nazi apparatus. SMOM member and West
German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer established Nazi chief of intelligence
Reinhard Gehlen as the first head of the German secret service, the
Bundesnachtrichtdienst (BND) (no pagination). When Otto Ambros, the chemist and
Director of I.G. Farben who was responsible for the death of hundreds of people
used as slave labor at Auschwitz, required assistance gaining entry into the
United States, it was SMOM member and CNP participant J. Peter Grace who came
to his aid (no pagination). Ambros went on to become a consultant for Grace's
chemical company, W.R. Grace and Company (no pagination). W.R. Grace and
Company also had Friedrich Karl Flick sitting on its board (no pagination). In
1933, Flick's father had given money hand over fist to the Nazi party after
being assured by Hermann Goering, Hitler's designated successor, that once the
Nazis came to power, elections would cease for the rest of the decade and quite
possibly the rest of the century (no pagination). It is no exaggeration to say
that Grace had allowed his company to become a safe haven for Nazis after the

Vice President of
Chase Manhattan Bank in charge of European affairs Joseph J. Larkin was also a
SMOM member (no pagination). Larkin kept Chase Bank's doors open in Paris after
the Nazis occupied the city (no pagination). Larkin was not motivated by simple
greed. His actions show a genuine flirtation with fascism. He was a dedicated
supporter of General Francisco Franco (no pagination). Both the Franco account
and Reichbank account were overseen by Larkin (no pagination).

There is also a
very close relationship between SMOM and Opus Dei. This relationship was
established in the summer of 1976 when Knight of Malta King Juan Carlos
selected Opus Dei member Adolfo Suarez to be the chief of the Spanish
government after the dictator Francisco Franco died (no pagination). SMOM
member Francis X. Standard, led "Evenings of Conversation" at the
Opus Dei Headquarters in New York (no pagination). Present at some of these
"Evenings of Conversation" were William Simon and Frank Shakespeare,
both CNP participants and SMOM members (no pagination). CNP participant Paul
Weyrich is a member of Opus Dei (Brayton, no pagination). David Clark, an
expert at rescuing people out of cults, has called Opus Dei
"cult-like" (Koloff, no pagination). Clark also contends that Opus
Dei's Catholic disguise is "bait and switch" (no pagination). His
accusations are backed up by the testimonies of former members who claim that
their reading materials were censored, that their salaries were turned over to
Opus Dei, and that they were isolated from their families (no pagination).

Apparently, Opus
Dei is just as guilty of flirting with fascism as SMOM. Vladimir Felzmann, a
former Opus Dei priest, claims that Opus Dei founder Josemaria Escriva once
said to him, "Vlad, Hitler couldn't have been such a bad person"
(Thompson, no pagination). Escriva also engaged in Holocaust denial, telling
Felzmann that there was no way Hitler could have exterminated six million
people and that the number was more likely to be around four million (no
pagination). In Spain, Opus Dei was very active in the government of dictator
Francisco Franco, collaborating with the country's premier, Admiral Luis
Carrero Blanco (Lernoux 314). In Chile, Opus Dei backed the CIA-sponsored
overthrow of Salvadore Allende (318). Opus Dei was represented in the government
of dictator Augusto Pinochet by Hernan Cubillos, an Opus Dei member and
Pinochet's foreign minister (318).

By participating in
the CNP, members of subversive organizations within the Catholic Church are
able to extend their influence beyond the Catholic world. The tentacles of the
superforce may reach farther than Father Martin realized. CNP participant
Father Fiore was in a position to discover this.


Father Kunz may
have been murdered to scare Fiore out of conducting a deeper investigation of deviant
sex rings. If that was the objective, then the culprits were successful. The
Kunz murder made Fiore begin to fear for his life and he backed off his
previous plans to take Catholic Family Hour in a new direction (Kennedy
152). It was not too long until Father Kunz was joined by his friends and
fellow crusaders for the truth. Malachi Martin died in July 1999 after years of
cardiac problems (154). Father Fiore passed away in January 2002 (154). All
three men stepped off into eternity without seeing the Catholic Church wake up
to the danger that existed within its very midst. The superforce is still very
much intact and active among the faithful, both in the Catholic and Protestant

Sources Cited

Aho, Barbara. "The Council for National Policy." Watch Unto Prayer

Ambinder, Marc J. "Inside the Council for National Policy." ABC 25 November 2006

Ballenger, Josey. "Marc Rich Inquiry Highlights Strange Bedfellows." Center for Public Integrity 9 March 2001

Brayton, Ed. "Paul Weyrich Expose." Dispatches From the Culture Wars 10 August 2004

Collins, Carole. "Order of Malta valuable to church in Zaire." National Catholic Register 9 February 1996

"Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies." Seek God

DeCamp, John. The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder
in Nebraska. 1992. Lincoln, Nebraska: AWT
Inc., 1996.

Flocco, Tom. "Agents Say Foley Scandal Tip Of Iceberg." 6 October 2006

Grill, Ioan. "Mexico Braces for an Oil War." Time Magazine 17 March 2008

"Jack Abramoff." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia 11 February 2007

"Joseph Nicolosi." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia 3 February 2007

Kennedy, William H. Lucifer's Lodge: Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic
Church. Massachusetts: Reviviscimus, 2004.

Kiel, Paul. For Abramoff, Lawmaker Slandered Teen Sex Slave. TPMmuckraker 25 September 2006

Koloff, Abbott. "Opus Dei members: Da Vinci distorted." Daily Record 14 May 2006

Lernoux, Penny. People of God. New York: Viking Penguin Publishing Inc.

Martin, Malachi. The Keys of this Blood. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991.

"Nazis, the Vatican, and CIA." Covert Action Information Bulletin 1986

Ross, Brian. "DeLay's Lavish Island Getaway." ABC 6 April 2005

Ross, Brian and Maddy Sauer. "Foley Resigns Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors." ABC News Blotter 29 September 2006

Schmidt, Susan and James V. Grimaldi. "Nonprofit Groups Funneled Money For
Abramoff."Washington Post 25 June 2006

Schwartz, Rhonda and Maddy Sauer. "Sixteen-Year-Old Who Worked as Capitol Hill Page
Concerned About E-mail Exchange with Congressman." ABC News
Blotter 28 September 2006

Terry, Maury. The Ultimate Evil. 1987. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1999.

"Western Goals Foundation." Right Web March 1989

Thompson, Damian. "A creepy scrape with the Da Vinci Code
set." Telegraph 18 January 2005

About the author

Paul D. Collins has
studied suppressed history and the shadowy undercurrents of world political
dynamics for roughly eleven years. In 1999, he earned his Associate of Arts and
Science degree. In 2006, he completed his bachelor's degree with a major in
liberal studies and a minor political science. Paul has authored another book
entitled The Hidden Face of Terrorism: The Dark Side
of Social Engineering, From Antiquity to September 11. Published in November 2002, the book is available online from,,
and also It can be purchased
as an e-book (ISBN 1-4033-6798-1) or in paperback format (ISBN 1-4033-6799-X).
Paul also co-authored The Ascendancy of the Scientific
Dictatorship (ISBN 1-4196-3932-3).

The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship is available here. Read a comprehensive collection of
Collins essays here.

Bishops Accused of Abuse
the sexual abuse crisis, attention has focused on priests who have sexually
abused children; the problem of bishops and major superiors who abuse has not
received systematic scrutiny. Yet a bishop who is guilty of child abuse, or
who has other violations of celibacy to conceal, has compromised his role in
the formation of his priests and in assigning them properly. Bishops who
sexually abuse seminarians, as Anthony J. O'Connell has admitted doing, may
establish a generational pattern of clergy abuse. The following list includes
22 U.S. bishops who have been publicly accused of sexually abusing minors. We
have also provided a preliminary
list of 9 bishops accused
of sexual misconduct in other countries.


| Arzube | Brown | Dudley | Dupré | Ferrario | Gelineau | Harrington | Hart | Hubbard | O'Connell | Rausch | Rueger | Ryan | Sanchez |Skylstad | Soens | James
S. Sullivan | Joseph
V. Sullivan | Symons | Weldon | Williams | Ziemann |








Juan A.




LA priest


LA auxiliary bishop


LA emeritus



in 2003 of abusing a boy age 11 in 1975-76. LA archdiocese and LA Times list
1 allegation. Named in civil suit and included in $660M settlement in 2007.

Archdiocesan Report 2.17.04 page 1; Tidings
1.11.08; LA
Times 1.12.08


Archdiocesan Report Addendum 11.15.05; LA
Times Database 4.20.06


Tod D.




Monterey-Fresno CA priest


Boise City ID bishop


Orange CA bishop

in 2007 of sexually abusing a boy age 12 in 1965. Brown admitted in 9/07
deposition that he had been accused and that diocese had investigated. He
denied the abuse.

County Weekly 4.24.07; Brown
Deposition 9.10.07; LA
Times 9.14.07; OC
Register 9.30.07


Paul V.




St. Paul MN priest


St. Paul & Minneapolis
auxiliary bishop


Sioux Falls SD bishop


Sioux Falls emeritus



in 5/02 of fondling an altar boy age 11 or 12 in 1950s. Dudley denied the
charges. Two women also complained that he had molested them years
previously. Church investigation found no evidence to support complaints.

Tribune 5.08.02;Pioneer
Press 5.08.02;Argus
Leader 5.08.02;Associated
Press 2.12.03;Argus
Leader 2.13.03;Star
Tribune 2.13.03;Argus
Leader 11.22.06


Thomas L.




Springfield MA priest


Springfield MA auxiliary


Springfield MA bishop


Indicted and resigned


Springfield MA emeritus

in 2004 of sexually abusing two youths 20 years previously. Resigned same day
and was sent to St. Luke's Institute where he was apparently still in
treatment as of 6/06. Was sued in 2004. Indicted on two counts of rape in
2004 but not prosecuted because statute of limitations had expired.

Republican 2.11.04; Commonwealth
v. Dupre Indictments 9.24.04; Springfield
Republican 7.22.06;Springfield
Republican 3.28.04; Springfield
Republican 3.12.04;
compilation of accused in Springfield Diocese; Springfield
Republican 8.03.04;Boston
Globe 9.30.03;Springfield
Republican 2.06.05; Springfield
Republican 10/23/05;Dallas
Morning News 6.12.02


Republican 9.28.04


Joseph A.




Honolulu HI priest


Honolulu HI auxiliary bishop


Honolulu HI bishop


Honolulu HI emeritus



in 1989-90 and sued in 1991 for repeated sexual abuse of a teen-age boy,
after Ferrario succeeded in the parish the boy's first priest-abuser, who had
begun to abuse the boy at age 5. Ferrario denied the charge.

8.19.91; Honolulu
Star Bulletin 2.27.04


Louis E.




Burlington VT priest


Providence RI bishop


Providence RI emeritus

in 1997 of taking an 11- or 12-year-old boy at St. Joseph's Orphanage in
Burlington VT off by himself in 1951and pulling the boy's fly down. When the
boy fled, Gelineau allegedly pursued him and tried to drown him. At the time,
Gelineau was a brother at the orphanage, scene of much physical and sexual
abuse. Gelineau's accuser also alleged sexual abuse by the orphanage
chaplain. In a 1997 deposition, Gelineau stated that he remembered the boy at
the orphanage. In his deposition, Gelineau also denies having any sexual
contact with an altar boy in 1993.

Deposition 5.16.97; Gelineau
Deposition 4.2.97


Timothy J.




Worcester MA priest


Worcester MA auxiliary bishop


Worcester MA bishop


Worcester MA emeritus



in 3/29/05 suit of sexually abusing a boy from age 11 to 15 three times;
abuse consisted of genital fondling, anal penetration, and oral copulation.
The diocese examined diocesan records and stated that it "found no basis
of credibility to the claims."

Superior Court No. 05-0331(B); AP


Joseph H.




Kansas City MO priest


Cheyenne WY auxiliary bishop


Cheyenne WY bishop


Cheyenne WY emeritus

2002 the diocese of Cheyenne announced allegations that Hart had sexually
abused 2 junior HS boys in the early 1970s in Kansas City; the allegations
had come to the diocese in 1989 and 1992. An allegation pertaining to Hart's
time as an auxiliary in Cheyenne was deemed not credible. In 2004, Hart was
sued by 3 other men alleging abuse when they were boys. Hart is alleged to
have had repeated sex with one boy during out-of-state trips, and is accused
of bringing boys back to Kansas City for sexual purposes while he was bishop
of Cheyenne.

Tribune Eagle 4.25.02; Wyoming
Tribune Eagle 5.15.02; Wyoming
Tribune Eagle 7.30.02;Kansas
City Star 1.22.04;NCR
2.6.04; NCR


Howard J.




Albany NY priest


Albany NY bishop

in 2004 of paying a teenager for sex on two occasions in the 1970s. Hubbard
commissioned an investigation to examine this charge, as well as other
allegations of sexual misconduct with adult males. The investigation, which
did not have access to the complainant, found no credible evidence that
Hubbard had violated his vow of celibacy.

Report 6.24.04;Times
Union 6.25.04



Anthony J.




Jefferson City MO priest,
seminary teacher, and rector


Knoxville TN bishop


Palm Beach FL bishop


Admits abuse and resigns


Palm Beach FL emeritus

in 2002 of sexually abusing a student from 9th through 12th grade at St.
Thomas Aquinas Preparatory Seminary in Hannibal, where O'Connell was rector. Complainant
had gone to O'Connell because of prior abuse by another priest. O'Connell
admitted the abuse and another similar case and resigned. Others came
forward, totaling 9 by 2004, when 2 of 3 cases were settled. O'Connell moved
to the Trappists' Mepkin Abbey near Moncks Corner SC.

Louis Post Dispatch 3.08.02; Miami
Herald 3.09.02; Kansas
City Star 4.19.02; St.
Louis Post Dispatch 4.03.03; Times
Daily 7.18.03; Palm
Beach Post 2.28.04; Palm
Beach Post 5.17.04; Palm
Beach Post 7.29.04; Kansas
City Star 11.14.04; Metro-Pulse



James S.




St. Cloud MN priest


St. Cloud MN auxiliary bishop


Phoenix AZ bishop



in a 2001 affidavit of repeatedly having sex with a 17-year-old boy and
giving him money, and then passing the boy on to Revs. Robert C. Trupia and
William T. Byrne, who also had sex with the boy, no longer a minor, and
employed him at the marriage tribunal to ensure his silence. Trupia would
later win an appeal to the Vatican regarding his suspension.

Globe 8.20.02


George E.




Worcester MA priest


Worcester MA auxiliary bishop


Worcester MA emeritus

in 2002. Accused of abusing a boy aged 13-14 in 1960s after giving him
alcohol. Suit dropped 2003 by plaintiff. Diocesan investigation found no
proof of charges and Pope's representative to the US agreed with the

& Gazette 8.1.03; Catholic
Free Press 7.20.03; Telegram
& Gazette 4.21.03; Telegram
& Gazette 4.01.03;Telegram
& Gazette 7.15.03; Telegram
& Gazette 7.07.06; Telegram
& Gazette 7.18.06


Daniel L.




Joliet IL priest


Joliet IL auxiliary bishop


Springfield IL bishop


Springfield IL emeritus

in 1999 suit of having multiple homosexual relationships, including one
involving a 15-year-old boy in 1984. Ryan denied having such relationships.

10.28.99; Herald
News 5.05.02; Herald
News 8.11.02; St. Louis Post Dispatch 9.4.02; State
Journal-Register 2.3.04


Robert F.




Santa Fe NM priest


Santa Fe NM archbishop

Accused of having sexual intercourse with
at least 11 women over period of many years. Some of the women were
teenagers. One claimed to have been paid $25K after Sanchez allegedly raped
her in 1973. He resigned in 1993 and lives in Minnesota.

Post 3.10.93;LA
Times 3.10.93;Associated
Press 3.12.93;Associated
Press 3.19.93Associated
Press 3.21.93; Associated
Press 3.26.93; Associated
Press 4.6.93; Boston
Globe 5.4.93; Excerpts
from Sanchez Deposition in Albuquerque Tribune 9.18.96; Albuquerque
Tribune 9.19.96;Albuquerque
Journal 9.19.96; Santa
Fe New Mexican 9.19.96; Missing
Link Fall 1996/Winter 1997Santa
Fe New Mexican 10.29.97;Albuqueque
Tribune 3.20.98; 

60 Minutes 4.21.02;Albuquerque
Journal 2.17.04; Anchorage
Daily News 2.18.04;Albuquerque
Journal 2.20.04



William S.




Spokane WA priest


Yakima WA priest


Spokane bishop

in 2005 of sexually abusing a girl under age 18 in 1961-64. Skylstad denied
the allegation.

3.09.06; USA
Today 3.08.06; Seattle
Times (AP) 6.08.06; 



Lawrence D.




Davenport IA priest, HS
teacher, and principal


Sioux City IA bishop


Sioux City emeritus

of sadistic abuse of 3 high school boys in 1960s. 1 claim settled for $20K in
2004. 2 suits pending as of 5/06. 7 new suits filed 5/06. Apparently 1 new
suit with 13 plaintiffs filed 8/06 alleging abuse 1959-67. In 2/06 diocesan
investigative panel found behavior may have been inappropriate but was
apparently not sexual.

Moines Register 1.19.05; KCCI
Channel 8 Television 3.09.06; Des
Moines Register 5.03.06;WCF
Courier 5.23.06;Iowa
City Press-News 8.10.06; KTIV
Moines Register 1.04.06; Quad-City
Times 2.24.06; KTIV
Moines Register 2.08.06; Gazette
(AP) 2.08.06; Des
Moines Register 6.08.05; Quad-Cities
Times 8.17.05;Quad-City
Times 2.09.06;Des
Moines Register 9.06.06; 

Statement of Disputed Facts from Gould v. Soens with affidavits;Sioux
City Journal 9.08.06; Daily
Iowan 5.08.07; The
Gazette 2.01.08; Quad-City
Times 2.16.08; Quad-City
Times 2.16.08


James S.




Lansing MI priest


Lansing MI auxiliary bishop


Fargo ND bishop



In 6/02, Sullivan, who had been Bishop of
Fargo ND, was accused fondling a youth in 1966 at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic
Church in East Lansing MI. Same Plaintiff settled with Christian Brothers in 1995
over abuse allegations against Bro. Jeffrey Gregory. Sullivan denied the
charges and Diocese said it did not believe the allegations because the man
didn't relate them sooner. Sullivan retired as Bishop of Fargo 3/18/02 after
diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and died 6/12/06.

State Journal 6.30.02; Lansing
State Journal 7.11.02; Lansing
State Journal 7.23.02;Lansing
State Journal 8.5.02; Grand
Fork Herald 6.13.06; Lansing
St. Journal 8.24.10


Joseph V.




Kansas City-St. Joseph priest


Kansas City-St. Joseph
auxiliary bishop


Baton Rouge LA bishop



Lawsuit alleged in 4/04 that Sullivan
abused a youth in 1975, when the plaintiff was 17. Review board decided claim
was "serious and deserving of careful attention." Suit settled
10/04 at mediation and sealed. Died 9/4/82. Name removed from school after
2004 settlement. Named in 2005 suit in HI re time in KC; settled 2007. New
suit filed in 2007 in TX and settled 10/09 for $225K.

Advocate 11.11.04;Charleston
Gazette (AP) 11.11.04; The
Advocate 11.11.04; The
Advocate 11.19.04; National
Catholic Reporter 11.26.04; The
Advocate 1.8.05; Obituary 6.14.06;Corpus
Christi Caller Times 4.15.09; SNAP
Statement 4.16.09;Kansas
City Star 4.18.09;Corpus
Christi Caller Times 10.13.09; The
Advocate 10.15.09;Kansas
City Star 10.16.09; Kansas
City Star 11.6.09



Joseph K.




St. Augustine FL priest


St. Petersburg FL auxiliary


Pensacola-Tallahassee FL


Palm Beach FL bishop


Admits abuse and resigns


Palm Beach FL emeritus

6/98 when accused of molesting a boy who reported the abuse to a church
official. Symons admitted abuse and also the abuse of 4 other boys. Bishop of
Pensacola-Tallahassee knew of abuse in 1995 but did not act.

Beach Post 6.03.98;Sun-Sentinel
Morning News 6.12.02; St.
Petersburg Times 3.22.03; Palm
Beach Post 2.28.04;Detroit
News 10.20.06


Christopher J.




New York NY priest


Springfield MA bishop


Springfield MA emeritus



in 3/29/05 suit of sexually abusing a boy from age 11 to 16 about three
times; abuse consisted of genital fondling, anal penetration, and oral
copulation. The diocese examined diocesan records and stated that it
"found no basis of credibility to the claims."

Superior Court No. 05-0331(B); Republican



J. Kendrick




Louisville KY priest


Covington KY auxiliary bishop


Lexington KY bishop


Resigned when accused


Lexington KY emeritus

Resigned 2002 after accusations in suits by
3 altar boys who alleged abuse in the Louisville archdiocese in 1969 and
1981. Accused of abusing another altar boy in Covington diocese. Williams
denied the allegations but resigned.

Louisville Courier Journal 6.12.02; Courier
Journal 9.29.02


G. Patrick




LA priest


LA auxiliary bishop


Santa Rosa CA bishop




Santa Rosa CA emeritus

in archdiocesan report as abuser of 3 in 1967-86. Resigned as Bishop of Santa
Rosa Diocese 1999. Suit in 2002 alleges abuse of youth in 1968 and lasting
several years. Living in Tucson without faculties. Ziemann has denied at
least one of the allegations.

Archdiocesan Report 2.14.04 page 3; SF
Weekly 3.19.03; LA
Weekly 3.18.03; OC
Weekly 3.04.05; LA
Times 12.18.03; John
Roe 4 vs. Does, Cause No. 1156450, Superior Court of California; City
of Angels 12.07.07


Times Database 4.20.06; OC
Weekly 3.04.05


Note: The bishops included in this table and in
our Database of Accused Priests meet the conditions described in our posting
policy. This table and the database do not state or imply that
individuals facing allegations are guilty of a crime or liable for civil
claims. The reports contained in the database are merely allegations. The
U.S. legal system presumes that a person accused of or charged with a crime
is innocent until proven guilty. Similarly, individuals who may be defendants
in civil actions are presumed not to be liable for such claims unless a
plaintiff proves otherwise. Admissions of guilt or liability are not
typically a part of civil or private settlements.
have not included Cardinal Humberto S. Medeiros,
who was accused in 2002 of sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy in 1979. The
survivor had previously alleged abuse by Msgr. Frederick Ryan, and had stated
his intent to amend his complaint to include Medeiros. To our knowledge, the
complaint was not amended 1 2.
have also not included Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick,
who has been accused of sexual misconduct with seminarians. McCarrick is not
included on our list because the alleged victims were not minors 1.
have also excluded from the table and the database the following allegations
that were subsequently recanted or demonstrated to be incorrect: two
allegations in 1992 against Bishop Gerald F. O'Keefe 1 2;
an allegation in 1993 against Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin3 4;
two allegations in 2002 against Cardinal Roger M. Mahony 5 6 7;
and an allegation in 2002 against Cardinal Edward M. Egan 8.
Preliminary List

International Cases of
Bishops Accused of Sexual Misconduct
• Archbishop
Richard A. Burke, S.P.S. (Ireland
and Nigeria)
• Cardinal
Hans H. Groër, O.S.B. (Austria)
• Bishop
Raymond J. Lahey (Canada)
• Bishop
John Magee, S.P.S. (Ireland)
• Bishop
Georg Müller, SS.CC. (Norway)
• Bishop
Hubert P. O'Connor, O.M.I. (Canada)
• Archbishop
Juliusz Paetz (Poland)
• Archbishop
Edgardo G. Storni (Argentina)
• Bishop
Roger J. Vangheluwe (Belgium)


Alfred J. Kunz

PDF version here

A Case Study of
Murder and Potential Sexual Abuse




by Leon J. Podles

Published by the Crossland Foundation, September 1, 2008

© Copyright, Crossland Foundation, 2008



The Rev.
Alfred J. Kunz, from a Swiss and German background, was born in Dodgeville in 

rural Wisconsin in 1930. He grew up in Fennimore and his family owned a nearby
cheese factory. He attended seminary at Pontifical College Josephinum in Ohio
and received a doctorate in canon law. After assisting in parishes in Waunakee,
Cassville, and Monroe, he became pastor of the tiny St. Michael's Church (149
families) in Dane, Wisconsin, in 1967 and remained there for thirty-one years
before his death at age 67. He kept the tiny parish going. After the church
burned he rebuilt it. He held fish fries to support the tiny school. He took no
salary, drove an ancient car, and owned almost nothing.1 He
ran a one-man show; he kept no records of parish membership, he had no daily
planner, and rarely kept notes on counseling sessions.2


As a canon
lawyer, Kunz served as Judicial Vicar and worked on the Marriage Tribunal in
the Madison diocese under Bishop Cletus O'Donnell. Kunz's expertise in canon
law also enabled him to continue the traditional practices he liked while still
remaining a priest in good standing. He advised other conservative Catholics on
canon law matters. He said a "traditional" Latin Mass at 8 a.m. three times a
week for the school children, and his Sunday Latin mass attracted people from
great distances. He had a radio show. He and the Rev. Charles Fiore taped a
show on the Eucharist in Madison on March 3. Fiore dropped him off at the
school, where Kunz had a small apartment, about 10 p.m. Someone spoke to Kunz
on the phone about 10:30 p.m.


between then and the early hours of the next morning Kunz and an assailant
fought, and the assailant cut Kunz's throat. Kunz bled to death, lying at the
foot of a statue of St. Michael the Archangel. A teacher at the parish school,
a graduate of the conservative Magdalen College, found his body at 7 a.m. on
March 4, 1998.


Kunz had some unusual interests and contacts, both ordinary and extraordinary
motives have been ascribed to the murderer.


A drifter
was ruled out: Dane is too far off the beaten track, and the mode of the
killing evidenced deep personal animosity. Burglary and robbery were also ruled

In March 2000
police claimed that Kunz had "intimate" reationships with females and that
jealousy may have been a motive for the murder.3 The
Rev. Lawrence Brey was recovering 

from quadruple by-pass surgery and lived with Kunz for six months before Kunz's

Brey saw nothing suspect in Kunz's relationships with women, and Kunz was 67
years old.4


Then there
are the unusual theories.


performed exorcisms and in fact was scheduled to consult about one with a woman
who was on her way to see he when he was murdered.5 Some
therefore suspect that Luciferians, people who worship Satan in a direct and
sincere manner, may have murdered Kunz. Kunz was a friend of Malachi Martin, a
dubious figure, an ex-Jesuit whose status in the Church was never clear. Martin
wrote novels about a Satanic conspiracy in the Catholic Church, even at the
highest levels, and saw the hands of a Luciferian in the manner of Kunz's


attracted right-wing Catholics, some of whom were involved in bizarre groups.
The least bizarre were those who thought the popes were betraying God by not
properly consecrating Russia to the Virgin Mary as she had requested. Other
groups took an apocalyptic and survivalist direction.7


Kunz was
also involved with people who were exposing sexual corruption in the Catholic
Church: Rev. Charles Fiore and Stephen Brady of Roman Catholic Faithful.


Fiore and
Kunz were friends. Fiore, who had been a Dominican, disagreed with the

the order was taking, left, and eventually became a member of the Fraternity of
St. Peter, a traditionalist order that said the old Latin Mass. Fiore lived in
Lodi, about five miles from Dane. He saw Kunz several times a week and spoke on
the phone with him daily. Kunz was Fiore's confessor.8 They
collaborated on the radio program.


Fiore said
that he discovered sexual abuse at his first assignment and was deeply
disturbed by 

the way it was covered up by the hierarchy. Over the years he assisted about a
hundred victims of sexual abuse. With aid from Kunz, Fiore prepared a dossier
on the problems of the Catholic Church in the United States and had it
delivered to the pope by a friend of Msgr. Dziwisz, the secretary of Pope John
Paul. The pope ignored the dossier.9 As
a similar dossier (prepared by another Dominican and canon lawyer, the Rev.
Thomas Doyle) was delivered to the Pope by Cardinal Krol of Detroit and was
also ignored, and the Pope ignored the pleas of a cardinal to 

act against pedophilia, Fiore's story is entirely credible. Fiore claimed he
knew of six bishops who were pedophiles;10 this
statement was regarded as bizarre, but as of 2008 nineteen American bishops
have been accused, and some have admitted to the abuse.11 Fiore's
most controversial work was with Stephen Cook, who accused Cardinal Bernardin
of Chicago of abuse and later said that he could no longer trust his memory of
the abuse because of the way his brain was affected by AIDS.12


helped Stephen Brady found Roman Catholic Faithful, a group dedicated to
investigating and exposing corruption in the Roman Catholic Church, and
provided Brady with information about sexually active and abusive priests in
the Midwest.13  Brady has made what were at one
time dismissed as wild charges against priests and bishops, especially Bishop
Daniel Ryan 

of Springfield, Illinois.14 Ryan
resigned in 1999; he has been involved in curious domestic altercations with
men and has been publicly criticized by his own diocese for violating celibacy.15


Fiore and Brady were often dismissed as cranks, after the revelations that
began in 2002 no one doubts the existence of widespread corruption in the
Church. This sexual corruption sometimes involved murder. Rev. Brey speculated
that someone in the Catholic clergy hired a murderer to kill Kunz both to
prevent Kunz from exposing abusers and to send to send a warning to Fiore.16 Another
murder in Wisconsin was motivated by a desire to cover up sexual crimes. The
Rev. Ryan Erickson of Hudson, Wisconsin, in 2002 murdered two men to keep his
sexual abuse of teenage boys from being exposed (see Erickson case on this


The Dane
police claim they have a suspect, and that the person's motives are "common,"
but that there is at the moment not enough evidence to prosecute this person.17

teacher who found Kunz's body has been the object of suspicion. Because he
found the body, he was covered with Kunz's blood. But Kunz had obviously fought
with his assailant, and the teacher was not injured. The teacher stayed with
Fiore for several months after the murder, and Fiore noticed nothing suspect.18


The police
claim that they are still pursuing the case, but their website on the Kunz
murder was active only in 2003.


Malachi Martin's Double Agent Status Documented
(An Angelqueen.orgExclusive)

By Cyprian on May 23,
2009 2:24 PM | 25 Comments

As Latin Mass Network devoted several articles covering the Legion
of Christ deception, it seemed only fair to cover some of the con artists
operating in traditionalist circles. As we know, Holy Mother Church is under
attack from all sides and it's good to keep a watchful eye on all those who
come bearing gifts.

The biggest trad deception is, of course, the sedevacantist schism
which purports that the Chair of Peter is either empty or somehow not
functioning at full authority. The definitions of the First Vatican Council are
sufficient to end this heresy. On a smaller scale, though, are those who talk a
good trad line to sell us books and movies, such as Malachi Martin and Mel
Gibson. But there is more to Fr. Martin than his off-color and conspiratorial
intrigue books. Martin was a Judiazer who worked to undermine Church doctrine
at Vatican II.

"Malachi Martin's Double Agent Status Documented" is a 1997 2007* article by John Grasmeier,
founder of, a Catholic discussion site. Based on my years of
observation, Mr. Grasmeier is an honest Catholic who takes the Commandments
seriously, especially in this matter, the 8th. In Martin's case, he did his
homework well and further confirmed for me the distrust I always had for the

Below are some excerpts from the article; please visit Angelqueen.orgfor the full
story. has obtained numerous incriminating documents
proving not only that Malachi Martin was indeed the infamous Vatican II
"double agent," but also that his duplicitous activities during the
Council ran far deeper than had been previously thought.

During the Second Vatican Council, Martin acted as an assistant
and translator to Cardinal Augustin Bea, head of the Secretariat for the
Promotion of Christian Unity (SPCU). At the time, a major focus of the SPCU was
the Jewish declaration portion of Nostra Aetate, the Vatican II document that
addressed the Church's relations with other religions. Cardinal Bea would later
be referred to by Archbishop Lefebvre as an "instrument of betrayal."

In January of 1966, Look Magazine ran an article entitled
"How the Jews Changed Catholic Thinking," a lengthy, in-depth look at
the influence various Jewish lobbying groups had over the final draft of Nostra
Aetate. In the article, Senior Editor Joseph Roddy tells of an unnamed Jesuit
priest who held a key position in Rome during the time the Second Vatican
Council was in session. The priest, described as a double agent who "could
never turn down work" and a "savior in the diaspora," would use
his position to gather and disseminate inside information to the secular press
and the Jewish lobbying groups, who would in turn use that information in their
efforts to influence the Council fathers, particularly the progressive American
bishops. Although the priest's actual name is withheld, several pseudonyms he used
for his various activities are revealed.

...There is no doubt whatsoever that the double agent described in
the Look article by Joseph Roddy was in fact Malachi Martin. The document at
exhibit G undeniably ties Michael Serafian - who is undeniably Malachi Martin -
to the F.E Cartus pseudonym.


Martin: Double-Minded Occultist

Evidence of the Art Bell Transcript April 4-5, 1997


Jesuit Operative
Malachi Martin Reconsidered

An Exchange of
Correspondence Regarding Malachi Martin




A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. -James 1:8

Editor's note: Laicised Jesuit priest Malachi Martin,
would seem to be a double-minded occultist--if the evidence of this transcript
from the Art Bell radio program is any indication. A leading figure in the
Church of Rome and the author of the bestselling novel,Windswept House, he has everyone from
ex-Presbyterian minister Gerry Matatics to mainstream
journalists, enthralled.

We present portions of talk show
host Art Bell's interview with Mr. Martin accompanied by notes by Michael A.
Hoffman II. Readers who wish to obtain the entire
five hour program may contact Art Bell for audiotapes.

by the Campaign for Radical Truth in History directly from off-the-air
audio-cassette copies of the Art Bell radio broadcast with Malachi Martin as
received on local Seattle, Washington radio, April 4-5, 1997. (Tapes are on
deposit in our archives)

Shades of
John Paul's Comments in Favor of Voodoo in Benin-- Malachi Martin Says Pagan
Shamans Work Miracles Through Christ

Art Bell (hereafter: A.B.): Father, may I ask you about this? If you
were not a Catholic priest, but instead were a Native American, would you be a
Medicine Man? And if so, a Medicine Man is, from time to time, called to drive
out spirits.

Malachi Martin (hereafter: M.M.): Yes they are.

A.B.: What are they doing, Father? Are they
doing the same work, is it the same channel?

M.M. I'll tell you Art what I think, now that
you've asked a personal opinion of a very difficult subject, but my experience
is the following and I'm not merely taking about Native Americans...I have seen
such miracles of cure and restitution and de-possession worked by these people,
including Native Americans--really shamans--you know, the old type. Because of
my beliefs I must conclude that my Lord Jesus Christ in whom I believe and who
is the source of all power, has used them in their innocence and their faith,
to cure people outside the reach of a Catholic priest like me. I cannot deny
that...There are people who have nothing to do with Catholicism or with some of
them, Christianity. But it has worked and I've had that experience and I can't
deny it.

Martin: Scientist

A.B.: Is there any line, anywhere that we should not be crossing,
and if there is, is this (cloning) one of them?

M.M.: Well, I'll tell you my immediate answer. I
haven't really considered it deeply, but I've given it a certain amount of
consideration and it's this: If I can get to cloning another human being,
without violating the rules of morality, then in principle I cannot see what's
against it.

Martin: Liberal

Editor's note: Here Mr. Martin advocates views
disturbingly similar to the indifferentism of secular humanists and feminist

(Art Bell describes himself as a

M.M.: I also share this view. I do not believe
that human governments have anything to say to the inner decisions of a man or
woman. Those decisions must be made in the light of their religious education
and their religious tradition. But the last thing in the world that I want to
interfere with, that is government. They should have nothing to do with it. For
instance, one of the difficulties of the abortion discussion today in America
is that its become politized (sic). Its become a political football.

A.B.: It has, yes.

M.M.: And that therefore obfuscates the moral
issues at stake. It involves vested interests, including money. I'm not
broaching the whole question of abortion by that, I'm just saying the intrusion
of government into my private life is unwarranted.

A.B.: Is this where the Church and the State
should be separate?

M.M.: Of course. Totally separate. They
should have their own bailiwick, there own territories to deal with. And if the
Church cannot persuade people to accept its message, then the Church cannot
impose that by government means.

A.B.: Then why Father is the Church trying so
desperately to do so?

M..M.: Because they've failed to act
spiritually, that's why. Because they have failed in education.

A.B.: So the Church has become political?

M.M.: Churchmen have...They have failed and
therefore they have resorted to other means and this hasn't worked because man
is a free animal. And, a, so, I'm with you there. I dislike any intrusion of
the government in my private life--the private life of the individual...

Martin: Psychic who Sees Invisible Creatures

M.M.: There are spheres of phenomenon that don't
respond to anything. When they meet these phenomena--for instance the
(possessed) person... suddenly has the power of levitation.

A.B.: Have you seen that with your own eyes?

M.M. Oh yes, I've seen levitation...

M.M. (In another portion of the broadcast): I
must confess to you Art, I know very naughty people. I know murderers and
they've stopped their murdering, most of them. I know Mafia people...and I know
men who have sliced up other men in their particular type of business, but
they're just naughty. They're not possessed. (Laughs). They're just sinful. And
that's not possession.

M.M.: (Later in the broadcast): There were two
men coming to us along the street, middle-aged men in ordinary clothes and I knew
they had just committed a murder. I knew that.

A.B. You knew that.

M.M. I knew that, yell, because of the demons
with them.

A.B.: You actually saw the demon with them?

M.M.: Yes, I do that. I, I do that. I've got
second vision. When the demon is there, when the demon is in possession, yes I

Editor's Note: According to a website on exorcism, Mr. Martin also allegedly
claims to have seen Satan in his apartment: "I was standing on a stool
in my apartment, reaching for a book and I saw him. He was crouched on the
floor looking at me. His body was like a muscular pit bull terrier, but the
face was recognizably human. It was the Devil's face. I recognised the eyes.
They were eyes of the coldest, deadliest hatred. When the Devil sprang at me, I
fell from my stool and broke my shoulder, but I felt fortunate. I had seen
Satan and I had lived."

Martin's Approbation for the Spurious Book of Enoch and Evolution

Caller: It (the "Book of Enoch") goes
into how this particular angel miscegenated--basically corrupted all
species--it miscegenated with them.

M.M.: That's right. It answers many questions that people are
still scrathing their heads over in the evolution of man, in the evolution of
animals and the evolution of the world from the beginning.

Editor's note: There are actually two versions of the Book of Enoch--one
is based on the traditions of the Jewish Midrash (Talmud) and was used by the
Manicheans. It calls "Enoch" and not Jesus, the Messiah. The second
version is based on the Jewish Kabbalah and identifies Enoch with the Jewish
demon "Metatron."

Martin Falsifies Scripture with Lucifer Legend

M.M.: One particular angel, the chief angel,
whose name is given in Scripture as Lucifer, Son of the Dawn, said, "No I
haven't got a mortal body, I will not serve."

Editor's note: This is a church myth, based on man-made
superstitions concerning Lucifer which, contrary to Mr. Martin, appear nowhere
in the Bible. The sole reference to Lucifer in Scripture is in Isaiah 14:12. It
is not a reference to an angel, as Martin claims. Lucifer is the name given to
the king of Babylon or to Babylon as a whole. "The king is compared to the
morning star, radiant star, son of the dawn." -- A Catholic Commentary on Holy
Scripture (London: Thomas
Nelson, 1951, p. 552).

Martin's Demonology

Editor's note: The Bible tells us that if we fear Yahweh
we need fear no other. Here Mr. Martin further embroiders the
"Lucifer" tradition, upgrading him to the rank of super-devil, while
demoting Satan to a weird subordinate position:

M.M.: When you do exorcisms you find out that
there are two demons--there are many other demons--one who responds to the name
of Lucifer and he's the big honcho, he's the big banana. And there's another
one who's not as big but very important, called Satan. Lucifer, his symbol of
course is the scorpion.

Martin Knows The Secret But Can't Tell

Editor's Note: The 1917 Fatima apparitions are believed
by many Catholics to be authentic. Fatima decrees that the "errors of
Russia" will spread if the commands of the apparaition are not fulfilled.
The reference is to the 1917 Jewish-Communist Russian revolution. The Fatima
apparition has not one word of warning concerning Hitler and the Nazis. Fatima
only condemns "Russia's errors" (Communism). Part of the Fatima
apparition story hinges on a top-secret message delivered to Pope John 23rd,
who was supposed to announce it, but who refused to do so. Mr. Martin claims to
have seen it, but is under an "oath" not to reveal it, which
apparently has more force than Blessed Mary's alleged command to reveal it to
the world.

M.M.: Now what's the Third Secret (of Fatima)?
It's rather a dire document. It's not pleasant reading at all. I'm under oath
not to reveal the actual details of it because I read it...I can't break my
oath in that matter.

Martin: Historian

Editor's Note: Mr. Martin uses his psychic "second
sight" to reveal mysteries of the past of which historians are unaware.
Here he relates a tale about Hitler and the Nazis. However, Hitler never made
the statements attributed to him by Mr. Martin. Also, Hitler had executed
Germans long before 1938, contrary to Mr. Martin's claims, most notably during
the "Night of the Long Knives" in 1934, when he liquidated the
revolutionary elements in the German S.A. to placate conservative generals and

M.M.: In 1938 there was this peculiar display
of lights, which we now know--at that time the scientists said, "Oh this
was Aurora Borealis"--and of course we now know it wasn't Aurura Borealis.
And by the way, that night, that night in August of 1938, Hitler, Adolf Hitler
himself was in the Wolf's Lair at Berchtesgarden, he was there with his chief
people, Goebbels and Göring and Himmler and their aides. And they watched this
phenomenon of light, brilliant light and you know what Hitler said?

A.B.: What?

M.M.: He said, "Gentlemen, this means we
now go to bloodshed." Hitherto--by that time by the way, he had taken
Czechoslovakia and Austria and the Sudetenland and he was well on his way to be
a powerful figure. He hadn't any blood, no German blood had he shed. But
looking at this, this man, instinctually--he was possessed, by the way--he
said, "Now this is the sign that we have to shed blood, gentlemen."

A.B.: Was that a sign of the beginning of the
Final Solution?

M.M.: Yell, it was. It was.

Martin: Epigone of False Prophet Hal Lindsey

Editor's Note: Hal Lindsey predicted, in a string of
sensationalist mass market books, that Christ would return and the so-called
"rapture" would take place during the decade of the 1980s. Mr.
Lindsey persuaded numerous Judeo-Churchians to slavishly support the War
Zionism of the Israelis. Pastor Herman Otten has published important
documentation exposing Lindsey in Otten's newspaper, Christian News.

Caller: My question is, I wanted to know if you were familiar with
the, a, story that came by--at least to me--by Hal Lindsey--the evangelical
author and prophetical scholar?

M.M.: Yes, I like Hal very much. I think he's

Caller: He's on the ball.

M.M.: He's on the ball...I do esteem Hal
Lindsey very much.



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